Since many days the question on reasons as to why we should invest in mutual fund is raised many time, as market is facing ups and down day by day. And also in single days the index's are getting down by 1 percentage. See now lets understand one thing that in the stock market the volatility of such type will be there and by this volatility only investors are making profit. So is it the time to invest in market!!!! I know that prediction of market is very difficult. But there are some tools or method or statics by using which mutual fund houses are planning their trades. Can we use same tips and trick to trade in market to get the maximum profit??? Lets understand that the same method can be used by us, but the risk of losing money will also be high. The people who are trading in market, watching stock market etc. Will find it easy but for the rest the difficult task starts here. As we are not regulatory watching the market t...
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